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Blog/Fact Vs Fiction: Does When You Eat Matter?

Fact vs Fiction

Fact Vs Fiction: Does When You Eat Matter?


So you think you’ve figured it out now that you know what to eat and how much of it you should be eating. More importantly, did you know that when you eat is just as important?

Here’s our recommendations to ensure your balanced and healthy diet gets maximized.

Don’t skip breakfast.

Breakfast is by far the most important meal of the day. It sets the tone, gets your metabolism started, and if you eat well, you’ll most likely succeed in following your game plan for the remainder of the day. Think about it this way. When you wake up, your body has gone without food for at least 10 hours. Start off your morning with a plentiful meal to kick start your metabolism, and get that internal fire burning to burn body fat. Stats have shown that those that eat breakfast in the morning have a lower likelihood of developing heart diseases. What’s the worst part? If you don’t eat breakfast, you’ll likely eat too much throughout the remainder of the day.

Eat like royalty.

There’s a wise old saying that goes:

Eat breakfast like a King

Eat lunch like a Prince

Eat dinner like a pauper

So, with this in mind, you should be eating your biggest portion of food in the morning, a lesser portion size in the afternoon, and the smallest amount of food at night.

Keep it light at night.

If you do find yourself rummaging your cabinets late at night, try eating something lighter and low in calories (and sugar). An apple and a small handful of nuts is a great alternative to those pints of ice cream or bags of chips.

Spread out your calorie intake over the day.

The standard breakfast, lunch and dinner serve as the core meals throughout the day. Instead, try splitting up your food intake into 6 smaller meals throughout the day. The science behind it proves that your metabolism speeds up and works regularly throughout the entire day. The common misconception is that eating less will result in faster and higher fat loss. The opposite proves true: not eating for hours will convert the food into stored body fat.