Blog/Now Offering Nutre Groceries!
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Now Offering Nutre Groceries!

After over 2 years in business, we have realized that majority of our clients still had to go to the grocery store. Having to go to the grocery store to get condiments, almond milk, creamers, produce etc. In all honesty, who likes the grocery store? It is chaotic, not convenient, and in todays case not considered "social distancing".
We have been in the process of launching this feature for months. Offering specialty healthy grocery items. We will be offering a small list of groceries to start, and then will add to the offering as we see where the demands are!
How can you order groceries...Very easy, read below:
If you are on a plan with us already, go into your account, click the drop down, and click "groceries". From here you can add or remove to your cart from here. After you have made your adjustments, be sure to click "save". REMEMBER, all of our grocery items are A La Carte, not recurring orders. Meaning if you like to order groceries each week, be sure to go into your account and add the items you prefer each week!

If ordering for the first time, you will see the option to add groceries after the option to "add snack" section! Simply add however many grocery items you like to your cart! Remember, these purchases are A La Carte, not recurring items!
We hope you like the new feature :)