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Blog/The Truth About Carbs (Part 3 of 3)


The Truth About Carbs (Part 3 of 3)

If you’ve read through the first two parts of this three part series on the truth about carbs, you’re already familiar with what carbohydrates are, and where they’re found (incase you missed it, here is Part 1, and Part 2). We also spoke about the increasing use of genetically modified foods (GMO), and the importance of gut health.  

Despite everything we know about carbs, they are still not bad. However, there are a few reasons why carbohydrates may be getting a bad reputation; 

Bad Rep Reason # 1 

Most people are over consuming them. Carbs don’t need to be eaten in large quantities. 

- There is only a small percent of the population that truly needs to eat higher amounts of carbs. Examples include athletes, pregnant women, and breastfeeding women. 

Bad Rep Reason #2

There’s inconsistency about the amount of carbohydrates we should be eating (at a government level). The Food Pyramid once called for 6-11 servings of carbs per day, yet the dietary guidelines say to eat 45-65% of total calories from carbs. So which is it? 

Here’s an example of the 45-65% rule: 

- On an 1800 calorie diet that’s ~200g - 290g carb per day. 

Now, let’s hypothetically assume you include ~45g’s of carbohydrate with each meal (a 3 meals total), you’d still only be at 135g carb. If you ate two snacks in a day, at 15g carb each, you’d still only be at ~165g carb. 

So where are all those extra carbohydrates coming in? Usually it’s foods like bread with dinner, cake for dessert, an extra helping of pasta or rice, doughnuts in the office, not filling up on enough veggies, too much fruit in a day, and carb heavy snacks. The government is the one most likely telling the average person to eat more carbohydrates than we actually need. 

Bad Rep Reason # 3 

Carbs taste especially good when sugar is added, so now-a-days, we see carbs and sugar go hand-in-hand. Think... Pop-tarts, sugary cereals, maple brown sugar oatmeal, white bread, whole grain muffins, and more. Many of these are definitely bad rep material. 

Finally, with all the carbs out there, we’re choosing too many unhealthy ones, and forgetting about the good ones. Carbohydrates end up with an overall bad reputation when they’re sandwiched into the same groups. 

Now, here’s the good news about carbohydrates;

Good news fact # 1 

Carbs are the bodies main source of fuel, so you do need them. Yay for you, if you like carbs!  

- On a side note: we have a lot to say about KETO and LOW CARB Diets. That’s why at the end of this article you’ll find out how to get Sara’s 7 Day Carb Reset Guide, which goes into detail about how to properly follow Ketogenic and Low Carb diets, for maximum results. 

Good news fact # 2  

There are still plenty of quality whole grain carbs out there which won’t make you gain weight.

- Within the realm of good carbs there are more specific categories which include gluten free carbs, grain free carbs, and non-GMO carbs. In the 7 Day Carb Reset
Guide, you’ll get a list of gluten free versus non-gluten free carbs, as well as, the best carbs to eat. 

Good news fact # 3 

- You can reset your entire digestive system so that you stop craving carbs so much. Eating too many carbohydrates can steal your energy and affect your health negatively.

Hopefully by now, you’re seeing how carbs have gotten a bad rep, yet they are not all bad. They’re just misunderstood, and improperly consumed. One of the biggest reasons carbs are so confusing is because they are all grouped into the same category. 

Technically a carb is as much a baguette as it is in a can soda, and yet, carbs are also fresh kiwis and bananas. Carbs can be protein rich quinoa, yet they are also
french fries and cake frosting. All carbs are not created equal, yet they end up in the same category. YIKES.  

I suspect many of the low carb diets have become so popular because it takes out all the confusion. Instead of trying to understand carbs, and build a healthy relationship with them, it’s actually easier to just eliminate them as an entire food group. That solves that, right?

But the truth is, 99% of the population is still eating carbs, and even low carb dieters will most likely resume eating them at some point in their lives. So why not start
learning about them? 

THAT is why we’re going to focus not only on the facts about carbs so you can understand them better, but I also put together the Zaki Eats, 7 Day Carb Reset Guide so you can help yourself restructure your body and mind to tolerate carbs better. The guide may also help you decide if you want to follow a low carb diet or covert back to eating carbs. By restructuring your internal environment, you’ll make your body work for you, and not against you.

To request a copy of Sara’s 7 Day Carb Reset Guide, simply follow her on Instagram and send a request through @zaki_eats. As a bonus, Sara will be holding a small private group for the first 5 participants to request the guide. You’ll move through the 7 Day Carb Reset as a small private Group in April, and you’ll have weekly check-in’s to ask your questions to Sara directly. This is a great way to kick off a weightloss journey, reset your gut, figure out how to prepare for a low carb diet or come off of one, and more. Space is limited.  

Can’t wait? To dive in fully today, you can work with Sara directly right from your living room. She offers mobile counseling for individualized nutrition plans. 

*Disclaimer -
Individuals who are selected to participate in Sara’s Private Group for the 7 Day Carb Reset Challenge, will need to be in a general healthy state. If you have a chronic illness or health condition, you will need to be medically cleared before participating. Speak with Sara if you are unsure. Space is limited to join the group, and it is first come, first serve. It is free, but your participation is requested or we may seek another candidate. The Carb Reset Group will meet several times in the month of April, instructions to follow for those selected to participate.